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I enjoyed the vibes of this game! It kinda sucks that even when I serve a lot of customers(and of course give the rude ones the special sauce) it always closes down! Also this is the first time I've ever heard of a drink called a London Fog so that confused me so much trying to figure out what they were talking about. All in all still a nice, fun and quick little game.

A London fog is a cafe drink that consists of earl gray tea, steamed milk, and vanilla coffee syrup! It's sorta like a tea late

Yes! It's one of my favorites c




Hi there! Thank you for playing our game! Until we get that patched, you can zoom out the browser by pressing both "Ctrl" + "-" (or "Command" + "_" on macs) to fit it on your screen a bit better.

Very cute, and the art is lovely! The "twist" is fun, but honestly the art and vibes would be perfect for a fully genuine cozy tea shop game.


I think the tea shop got shut down because I was being forced to give customers poison

Deleted post

I like the game but the window to play it is so large that I can't see it all on my laptop D': and I can't even scroll if it's completely in frame. It would be amazing if you guys could add an option to fullscreen the game in a window!!!!


HI! Thank you so much for taking the time to play our game! We formatted this game for desktop computers and we're aware it doesn't fit as well on laptops. You can zoom out the browser by pressing both "Ctrl" + "-" (or "Command" + "_" on macs) to fit it on your screen a bit better. We hope that helps as a temporary solution but we hope to learn how to add a full screen button soon. (:

thanks!! ill try it out

I honestly do this on accident all the time but it actually became useful for me for once



I love everything about this, you should absolutely expand it! Also thanks for teaching me what a London Fog is, I'd never heard of it and I drink a lot of tea.


Thank you so much for playing our game!! Your words of encouragement mean the world to us! We have another game in the works we are hard at work on and are hoping it brings another level of excitement and coziness!! c:


super cute, made me crave a peppermint latte. relaxing and i loved the art too!


the perfect game doesn’t exi—


We're so glad you liked it!! Thank you for playing our game! c: